These are all of the wonderful things that have happened lately.
First and foremost, Happy Birthday Asher!
Hmmm, for pictures, let's start with the oldest thing I did.
I went to a free outdoor performance by the Houston Symphony, and it rocked. The soloist played the Haydn Cello Concerto in D-Major, and did a really good job, even if his cadenza was a little bit boring.
Side note: I'm breaking in my new climbing shoes right now, and they are a little painful, but they're supposed to be that way, so I will take it. They are Five Ten Coyotes, and have fantastically grippy rubber on the bottom, and a pretty comfortable toe box.
Aaaah! There is a mosquito in the room with me, and he's survived two of my attacks. Sad day, now I will be paranoid all evening.
I'm drinking another one of my terrible chimera drinks. This one is
1) An un-named yellow-green, highly caffeinated soda,
2) Grapefruit juice, and
3) Fruit punch.
To be fair, it's not nearly so bad as my coffee / ice cream / milk / juice / chai / ice smoothie. That was disgusting. I kept up a brave front for at least the first half of it, but then my machismo gave way and I admitted to having made a bad decision.
Aaaah yes, back to my recounting of events.
I also went to a baseball game, at Minutemaid park. Pretty fun! I have the house here all to myself (I have for the past four days) so I've taken this opportunity to do some of the things that I've wanted to for a long time, but hadn't gotten to. I made a pull-up bar, rigged my roommate's speakers into an acceptable stereo with my iPod in the living room, and did sit-ups until I couldn't really move.
Final note, everyone who is coming to visit me, I love you all!!!
Lastly, my trip offshore to the oil rig has a definite date, and it is July 15th. Helicopterhelicopter, woohoo.