More Adventurous

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Here are a few thoughts about life that have been on my mind lately:

If you aren't enjoying what you have now, don't think that getting more is going to solve anything.

Every single day is as significant and totally full of opportunities as the best day you've ever had.

Everyone you'll ever meet is insecure and needs to be loved, including you.

You can be that person who brightens someone's day, or saves their life.

Massage is very good for you (this one I really like : )

11211 = 101*37*3. Oh my.

This year is already wonderful, and I can't wait to see where it goes.

I'm actually going to read "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman this year !?

A few years ago I actually made an oath that I wouldn't.

I love the bullet-point style of composition, but it is rather harsh on readers (sorry!)

I am reading again, and loving prayer again, and I feel so fortunate every day!

Holly, I feel like time moves faster than I want it to when we're together, and it seems like everything goes by so quickly, and I want to notice everything we talk about and every look you give, and the comfort and joy and brightness I see when you smile.

I have three boxes or granola bars and a tremendous desire to come home.

I love life and living and seeing the changes and feeling them.

And those are all the snap-shots I will record for today.


At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, kevin. :o) i like the first few pictures especially because they're true and get truer every day if that's possible--or perhaps, by God's grace, maybe they get applied a little bit more every day. that's probably the more accurate way to say it.

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If those weirdos are coming anywhere near our great state, let's get out of here! :o)

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm reading "The Moonstone" and enjoying it very much! Thank you!


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