More Adventurous

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Great things I just thought of

Here they are:

This is the coolest sentence that could ever be. Fathom:

"I intend to commit mail fraud."


Also, on the subject of Go (the game I am obsessed by):

Lee Sedol (my #3 idol) said

"I don't actually like killing my enemies' groups, but they keep invading my territory."

Wow. That is bravado!

Also, just played a teaching game with my padawan, and she has gotten sooo much better. I wonder when it happened? Did Go knowledge just need to simmer around in there for a while?

Also: And I'm excited that David Moore and myself are going climbing this week. Ohhhh so great.

For the interested: I went to a Bluegrass Festival yesterday, and it was about as magical and summertime-y as anything I've ever experienced. Mmmmm.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


This feels good. I have a new go-playing style, and it is called San-ren-sei, meaning "three stars." I won't bother you all with too many details, but believe me when I say that it carried over into real life today. Today's been a good day, futures won and fortunes lost.

Stopping for a moment, I realize that all I really want to do here is say what I like, and maybe find something good inside of it. If none mind, I won't celebrate humiliations on this forum, and neither will I discuss private things to any great extent. Those are the subjects of talks at coffee shops, which are an entirely different medium. All that I need to say at present is that I am eating crackers with cheese and Vietnamese hot sauce while typing with my computer resting on my Go board. I really love this board. It is beautiful and true.

And to my friend,
Forgive me for not going to bed yet, but I had those impressionable freshmen over and was treating them to whatever food I could find, and they have only recently gone, but now I will start on my plan to get bed-ward.
