Summer Mk 1
Well, I made a promise to write in this this summer, and also I'm just really in the mood to, so here goes.
Also, I dropped my computer during a terrible Rube Goldberg-esque chain reaction of bad fortune, so now whenever I try to type any word with a "t" in it, I often get a "tt." (TThis is whatt itt looks like when tthattt happens.) I try to proofread it, but one or two of them are probably going to slip by me, so brace yourself!
Relevant facts regarding my present state that may not be intuitively known, but which I will reference extensively in the coming entries!:
1. I am in Houston working for Chevron again, and will be here until middlin' August.
2. I think middlin' is the best adverb in the universe, but forgot about it until just now! I feel like I found something I'd lost : )
3. I am kinda tore up about my computer being messed-up, my iPod dying, my car briefly dying, almost losing my phone, and thinking that I'd overslept work by three hours (as it happens, it was 9:30 p.m., and not 9:30 a.m. the next day, but that is not easy to know when you wake up confused and !panicked!
4. Umm, Ben Folds and Switchfoot !For!The!Win! and I can't believe I just typed that.
5. I went to the sea today and drank some wine-cooler and oh I see now that's why was so sleepy!
6. The job I have with Chevco is pretty much exactly what I want to be doing. Last year I had a ?strange! assignment that had very little to do with my major, but this summer I'm exactly where I want to be, so I'm happy about that pretty much to the max : )
7. I also miss a certain Georgia girl like crazy, but I think I can survive, but it'll be close!
8. Also, who else is madly excited about the Transformers movie and the new Die Hard coming out pretty much at the same time? I AM SOOOOO THERE! A few UltiGuyNights ago, we watched Die Hard, and I am still yearning to die yet harder, so this looks to be my chance!
10. I will be here, working : ( !?!?!?!?
11. But I do love $!$?!?$!?$$$$$$$$
Love, Kevin
PS: My playing style in go has changed completely, and I'm having a lot more fun with it than I have ever before : )