More Adventurous
More Adventurous
Dear Universe,
I am in Italy now, and I enjoy it a lot. I'll be back next year, and I know that then I will have to start working again, which I'm not excited about.
Actually, I'll make a list. I think that few enough of you read this that I won't be putting myself in any danger by writing it down. You readers are wise and true (as far as I can tell!) so I can use any advice.
I am not excited about:
1) Having to work and do well for another semester.
2) Dealing with my personal failings.
3) Making money to stay in school.
I am hopeful for:
1) The work God is doing in my heart and my life.
2) Climbing, drinking tea, coffee, and wine.
3) Getting closer to other people and finding my path.
4) The world to come!
5) Trying to read my Bible.
6) Planning a life and trying to find it!
Number 6 is kind of a repeat of 3, but it is something that is often on my mind, and I'm so unsure of the future, and nothing that I set down is ever really certain, because anything can change.
I know that the only thing that will never e'er change is that God is good and that He loves me, and it is here that peace and hope are to be found, and every time I look for it elsewhere I'm doing wrong and am going to be frustrated.
Oh it's all pretty nerve-wracking!
But there are times when I am feeling God's love and everything is taken care of and I'm totally at peace. Oh I wish now was one of those times.