More Adventurous

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Basic Exercises

Today was my first Tai Chi lesson. From what I've been able to see so far, Grandmaster Cheng is a really cool person. I can tell, both by the way he walks, and (he's a lady's man, no time to talk. no) from when he showed me the proper way to stand and breathe, that he's a a tremendously strong person. He might be the most physically powerful man I've ever met. During one Chin Na sequence that he demonstrated, I had the feeling that he could, at any time, actually tear my arm off. He had one hand on the other guy's wrist, and his other on the elbow, ad quickly and unstoppably dominated that arm. He probably has to write that guy's arm off on his taxes as "miscellaneous income." I mean that in all available seriousness. Anyway, the class was swell, and my back feels the best I can remember it feeling, since I got tall.

The other cool event today was going to the downtown office (huge shiny building!) and attending a meeting in the conference room on the 39/40th floor. The view was excellent, and I got a bunch of pictures. Also, I wandered downtown afterward and found a Starbucks, and got an iced mocha and change for the bus ride back to Bellaire (I'm the closest thing this part of town has to a 'fresh prince') which is about ten miles southwest of the sprawling downtown.

Rawr! I've got to get up at 6:00. Goodnight, everyone in Tulsa. Have a nice sleep.


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